Sunday, 26 August 2012


I love it when dogs behave naturally like humans and sit at the driver's wheel in a car as if they are about to turn the ignition and set off to some canine haven.  Here is my neighbour's dog trying to look like the statue - or, maybe, Pygmalion-like, hoping it would come alive so that it can become an object of adoration.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Garden Centres

I have ambivalent feeling towards these places: lovely plants and flowers but all imprisoned in pots and placed in military rows. I wish they would leap from their ranks and files, rise up out of their containers, march towards my garden on their root-like legs and settle higgledy-piggledy in my borders. I only hope they are not allergic to weeds.

Thursday, 2 August 2012


There is nothing, absolutely nothing, quite like a dip in the surfy briny. Waves roll in and you can either mount up over them or be knocked down by them, in my case the latter.  In the middle of this inclement summer, the sun came out at a remote Pembrokeshire shingle beach called Abermawr and in I plunged, to emerge reinvigorated - and disastrously hungry for sausage rolls and fruit cake.  Will I sink next time if this goes on?

Government Health Warning: those of a sensitive disposition may wish to look away before viewing this photograph of me in my shortie wetsuit. Too late? Sorry!